Your works are very contextual: their place in the street is decisive in their meaning. In your creative process, is it place that will determine creation?
Almost all the time I leave the place to create the work. Sometimes I have an idea that can be done in a neutral place, but most of my interventions are designed according to the place. I first take into account its formal aspect, which appears at first sight, whether its geometric form, its semantic dimension, or identifiable inscriptions. Then I think about his story, about what we don’t necessarily see, so that I can also reveal things that are hidden at first sight.
You’re taking the risk of seeing the place disappear?
This has happened to me a few times, but in general I work in a fairly short time. When I have an idea three months after I spotted the place, I will go back to it before drawing it to make sure it is still the same. When it is no longer available when the work is finished, I try to adapt it as much as possible to transpose it elsewhere.